
'Roger Tabor's Cat Behaviour' and subsequently Understanding Cat Behaviour were published in the UK by David and Charles and in North America by Reader's Digest.

100 Ways to Understand Your Dog’ and‘100 Ways to Understand Your Cat’ are Rogers most recent books, published by David & Charles Ltd, and for F & W Publications in the US & Canada, and in numerous language editions in other countries.

Cats BBC bk RT.jpg'Cats; the Rise of the Cat' (BBC Books) was a best seller for Roger in the UK and had Dutch, German and Japanese language editions. It accompanied his groundbreaking BBC TV series ‘Cats’, and it records Roger’s first hand exploration of the origins of the cat and historic breeds around the world, and initiated the concern about some modern breeds.

wildlife.jpgThe Wildlife of the Domestic Cat’ (Arrow) Roger’s award-winning first cat book was recognised by Britain's leading cat charity, Cat's Protection as "the standard work on the feral cat" by Daphne Negus in the US as "the most informative book ever written about how cats have behaved since time immemorial, and the uncompromising lives they lead in our modern urban society" and by Dr Desmond Morris as "one of the modern classics of feline literature. One of the two best cat books ever written. An original, pioneering study of urban feral cats and their social organisation".

understand2.jpg'Understanding Cats' became a Reader's Digest best-seller in the USA, and after it's success as a hardback in the UK it was issued as a softback, and in Hungary & Germany as HB, and France as a paperback. It accompanied his BBC TV series ‘Understanding Cats’; (a DVD of the series is available from Pets on Film).


HERBS’ and ‘ALL ABOUT HERBS’ UK editions
Published by Frances Lincoln Ltd
· ‘WILD ABOUT HERBS’ North American edition:
Published by Readers' Digest Inc Roger's herb book covers the history, medicinal, culinary and home uses, and the growing of herbs, but the main section is the directory of herbs. Whilst he looks at traditional uses, he puts these in the context of modern research findings. "Wild ABout Herbs"was published in the USA by Reader's Digest Inc to accompany Roger Tabor's PBS TV programme called "Wild About Herbs." [PBS produce a DVD of the programme “Wild About Herbs”]